Career Center

This section is designed to provide our jobseekers with current career news and helpful tips to help you get the job you want. You will find answers to your questions about interviewing, resumes, the technical job market, and more.

Interview Basics- Tips that will help you prepare for the interview and get you the job.

How To Handle Those Tough Interview Questions- Great suggestions that will help you turn a tricky question into an opportunity to promote your talents.

Resume Tips- 25 tips for a better resume!

Dressing to Get the Job- Follow these tips on creating a professional appearance.

Body Language!- Make sure your body language is saying the same thing you are.

Don't Be Swayed by a Tempting Counteroffer
An article by Paul Hawkinson, as printed in The Wall Street Journal

What's Your Worth in Stock Options?
An article by David Gumpert, as printed in The Wall Street Journal

Salary / Relocation Calculator
Thinking of relocating? Use this handy calculator to see if you need a raise to go along with that new address. Check out the following related links for additional relocation information.

Should you have questions that are not answered in this section, feel free to email us: